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An Introduction.

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 4:06 pm
by Amphibious
Hi Everyone,

My name is Dick, and I'm a "Reef Aholic". I've been addicted to aquariums for 57 years, more specificly Marine aquariums since 1974 and even more specific "Reefs" since 1992. I've tried to quite but, I just can't. Nor, do I want to. You see, I love helping people with their addiction, too. Oh, not to get them to quite but, to feed their addiction so that I'm not alone. Hehehehe......... :lol: Ok, now the rest of the story.

I joined your forum a couple of days ago when I found a link listed somewhere as I cruised the Internet. Since I like promoting club functions, I joined your forum both to learn and to help if I can. Yes, after 57 years, I'm still learning. Some people I've run into have learned it all after only a couple of years and they are quick to tell everyone. You know the type, their everywhere. But me? Well I guess I'd say I'm a slow learner. :roll: I learn something new everyday or two.

I'll try to be brief. This fascination started when as a child my parents had to worry about where I was when not in sight because I always gravitated to waters edge in search of anything aquatic. My Mom would tell stories of finding live and dead critters in my pants pockets on wash day. Boy, she could really spin a yarn. I really didn't stuff my pockets with frogs, snakes and whatever else she dreamed up. Did I Mom??? :o

At age nine they broke down and bought me a 2 1/2 gallon glass bowl and two goldfish. I was hooked!!! :roll: I've never looked backed. I've had some successes and failures in the following 57 years but I have loved every minute and I have met and become friends with some wonderful "fishy" people.

In the '70s I had a retail store and did installations and maintenance. After just a couple of years we left that business. Seven days a week is nuts. I kept the installation business going for a number of years and finally sold that off.

In 1987, I met and married the "Angel" in my life, Sue, and we promptly pooled all our money and went into the wholesale aquarium business. We struggled to make that business payoff but failed. After ten years we closed it down and wound up braking even. My wife supported us for those ten years without one complaint. Now you know why I consider her my "Angel".

And now to the end of this tale. I retired at age 63, three years ago. When my "Angel" asked me what I wanted to do with the rest of my life I promptly stated, I want to build a home in Florida with a greenhouse for growing coral, clams and offering LR and reef aquariums, etc, etc.

Her reaction??? "Let's do it." Now, you most certainly understand why she is my "Angel". So, we are in the process of building our dream home in FL and when we move in we'll build a greenhouse and get that portion of our new business off the ground.

But, I'm not waiting around till then to build my web-site. I've been busy programing this business for about a year and six months ago I launched the site into the either world of the Internet, Cyber Space indeed.

Rather than turn this into a commercial, I'll just leave a link and you can go there if you'd like. Remember, it's not finished by any means and the corals and other things won't be available until the greenhouse is up and going. But if you are interested go to "The Cultured Reef" and look around. If you find you would like to keep updated join our "Members Club". We promise no spam just an occasional update and some member specials in the future.

Oh, one more thing, I put a link to your forum on my web-site at this link Fish Clubs Let me know if you like it or not.

Oh, sorry, just one more thing. You can blame Scott for this wordy post. He invited me to introduce myself. :lol: If you've read this far, I'm happy to be here.

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 9:24 pm
by Scott
Wow, you wife really is an angel! I have browsed his site and can't believe the prices on aquariums. Definately take a look.

Welcome again,

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 5:37 pm
by finaddict
Welcome aboard Dick. Just too bad your so far away. I've only attended one meeting but I can tell you they are quite fun. Going to your website now . Later and once again good to have you on board.


Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 7:14 pm
by sb1227
I have to agree, you have a great website! How cool to be able to do what you're doing, sounds like a dream come true. :D Good Luck, Sue

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 7:38 pm
by finaddict
Starting to see more and more people come on board thats in my area. Glad to have you here. Anyone thats interested in fish store trips on the weekend let me know. Its beginning to be every weekend for me. Its good to travel in groups. Welcome aboard Sue.

Give me a shout

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 5:39 pm
by Amphibious

Yes, my wife is an Angel. Everyone that meets her loves her. I was blessed the day we exchanged "I do's" seventeen years ago.

Thanks for mentioning the aquarium prices. This "Hobby" is terribly expensive so we thought, if we help people get the aquarium and other equipment at a reasonable price, we will be rewarded. So far the response has been wonderful. I can hardly wait to begin offering greenhouse grown corals, clams and other neat things.

Jeff (finaddict)

Thanks for the welcome. I may never make a MBRK meeting but suggest everyone in the area make the meetings. This is where you will learn how to keep a successful reef aquarium.

Then of course I do public speaking on reefs. That may be a possibility in the future.

Sue (sb1227)

Thank you for the kudos on the website. You are right about it being "cool" being able to live my dream. But, keep in mind this has been a lifelong study with many failures along the way. Some successes, too, I should add.

Thanks for joining my "Members" club. Someone else from MBRK joined also. I recognized the sb1227.

Thanks you guys, I feel welcomed.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 11:37 am
by sb1227
I've found that the disappointment and often pain of our failures brings about a greater appreciation and joy of the successes. :D

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 7:43 am
by Amphibious

I absolutly agree with your statement above. It's actually imparitive that we fail along the road to success, not only to gain appreciation and joy but to learn that success is a journey not an end. When you reach "success" you have to reach out further and continue the journey on to the next success. That's what living a successful, meaning filled life is all about.