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Its me again with yet another question...

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 11:09 pm
by HCJohn
Run me off if I ask too much. :lol:

What kind of salt are you guys using. Coral Connection talked me into Red Sea but Im reading that almost all...or let me say ALOT of reef guys are using Instant Ocean. Just getting some thoughts as if I decide to change I want to do it before my tank gets too far along and IO is the easiest to get. Anyway, thanks for all comments.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 11:18 pm
by Xster
Salt selection is by far your own personal decision. I personally use Reef Crystals and HW Marinemix. But I will give other salts a try in the future if I honestly think that it might be better. I am a "trying" person by nature, always looking for the most convenient and hassle-free setup. If there is a salt mix that needs no adjustments or supplements besides matching the salinity, please let me know. I will even give you some money. :D

If you are using it in a reef tank versus a fish only, I would suggest that you do some tests of your own to see with what you are most comfortable with. Some reefers test the makeup water before the water change and supplement accordingly, some test the tank water after the change and then supplement accordingly.

P.S. From what I have seen, Red Sea Salt is another good choice among many! :D

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 11:45 pm
by harbingerofthefish
I use IO mostly out of convience and the fact that I have primarily softies in the tank.

From reading the down side to IO is that the ALK and CAl are out of whack. I don't test either personally, but I tried using a 2-part alk/cal supplement and upon using the alk side, it percipitaes instanly.

I've had the cal/alk tested 3 x in a year. The alk hovers in the 12 dkh range and before supplementing the cal is in the 350+/- range.

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 7:13 am
by ShagMan
I use IO personally. You can't beat the cost ($75 for two 200G buckets), and if you're not comfortable with it, then by all means test the mixed saltwater before adding to your tank.

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 10:17 pm
by tbmoore
I usually try to testing and matching alk,cal,temp,salinity before adding to the tank...this causes less shock to the system and if it is not right you will have to add anyway..just easier to add and test while everything is being mixed...that gives me all night to make adjustments. I have used reef crystals and IO. whatever is handy and the cheapest.