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Finally - Pics of my FREE 100 gal. Tank

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 6:55 pm
This was the tank posted on here about a month or so ago. It's set up with a few new creatures in it. Doing ok so far. I did lose a Thompson's tang due to ich and my Yellow tang has it now. He's improved as have all of my other fish that had spots. I'm staying on top of water changes, feeding them well, and monitoring them daily. Before I get bashed and trashed, I'm going to refrain from QTing every single fish in the tank. I do, however, have a 10 gal. QT tank set up in the event that I get a fish that takes a turn for the worse. I'm trying to manage this effectively without tearing the entire setup apart to rid the ich. Here are several pics. Sorry, my camera is louzy. The "new" stuff I've added are as follows: yellow tang, coral beauty angel, banded coral shrimp, cleaner shrimp, a white sebae anemone, a blue/green chromis (can't find him; maybe he died?), and the Thompson's tang, which I lost.











...and my little 10 gal. quarantine. Yes someone is going to tell me that's too small to QT tang but I only have 1 now don't plan to get more than 2 more. Something is better than nothing. I'll use it if a fish gets bad, out of control, ich.


Re: Finally - Pics of my FREE 100 gal. Tank

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:58 pm
by jt3069
screw those who dis your qt like you said better than nothin and if fish could talk they would thx you

Re: Finally - Pics of my FREE 100 gal. Tank

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:23 pm
by Amphiprion
Tank looks good. If the tang is receptive to food, you need to feed it more, as it is a bit underweight. That should speed recovery quite a bit. Ideally, you shouldn't be able to see any of the lateral line extending outward like it does in all the pics of the fish. That is a result of degraded dorsal musculature from wasting. It's fairly common, but reversible. Just be generous on the plant matter in its diet.

Re: Finally - Pics of my FREE 100 gal. Tank

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:39 pm
by Fishfood
yea I'd agree with andrew that the tang looks thin. From the looks of the tank you don't have any algae growing on the rock so he may not be able to graze all day. If you don't have one already you may want to buy an algae clip and nori, sea veggies or any one of those other brands of dried seaweed. If you are running a refugium try to feed him some of the macro algea from the fuge.

Re: Finally - Pics of my FREE 100 gal. Tank

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:01 pm
Thanks. I'll pick up some Nori. Andy has some at his house he said I could stop by and get. How do I feed it to him? I read stuff about veggie clips, but i'm not familiar with them.

Re: Finally - Pics of my FREE 100 gal. Tank

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:08 pm
by Fishfood
they are just clips that hold the algae and suction to the glass. I had a great one years ago that was a magnet instead of the suction cups. Suction cups in the aquarium just don't see to work.

Re: Finally - Pics of my FREE 100 gal. Tank

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:08 pm
by andy4499
mag float works good for a veggie clip for me. :)

Re: Finally - Pics of my FREE 100 gal. Tank

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:14 am
by AuroraDrvr
JRA95SHO wrote:Thanks. I'll pick up some Nori. Andy has some at his house he said I could stop by and get. How do I feed it to him? I read stuff about veggie clips, but i'm not familiar with them.
Go to Wal-Mart and go to the small asian section on the food side. They have a nice package of Sushi for like $3-5. Looks identical to the one below. It is toasted vs. dried, but I have never had any issues with it, and I have not noticed any nutritional deficiencies.


Re: Finally - Pics of my FREE 100 gal. Tank

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:27 am
AuroraDrvr wrote:
JRA95SHO wrote:Thanks. I'll pick up some Nori. Andy has some at his house he said I could stop by and get. How do I feed it to him? I read stuff about veggie clips, but i'm not familiar with them.
Go to Wal-Mart and go to the small asian section on the food side. They have a nice package of Sushi for like $3-5. Looks identical to the one below. It is toasted vs. dried, but I have never had any issues with it, and I have not noticed any nutritional deficiencies.

Hey thanks! I didn't know Walmart had it. That's a little more convenient to stop in the Daphne Walmart on the way home rather than fight traffic across Mobile after work to go to the Asian Market on Azalea.

Re: Finally - Pics of my FREE 100 gal. Tank

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:35 am
by jt3069


Re: Finally - Pics of my FREE 100 gal. Tank

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:39 am
by Fishfood
I have myself on the "email me when in stock" list for the stuff I want. Looks like it will be a Thompson's tang, an Atlantic/Carribean Blue tang, some Blue Reef Chromis, and maybe 1 or 2 more things. I think this time around, I may qt those tangs and keep a close eye on them. I'm not so worried about a chromis. They're pretty durable fish from what I'm told, although the 1 tiny blue/green one I had went missing on day 1.
I wanted to reply to this from the other thread and keep it out of the other thread so I copied and pasted it here. IMO if you don't treat the entire tank now for Ich, putting any new tangs in a qt first won't prevent them from getting ich once you move them to the display tank and may be more stressful to them than just putting them in the display where they have a place to hide, unless you are going to qt them for purposes other than Ich.

The chances are getting 2 tangs at 1 time might actually be better becuase it will lesson the agression the yellow might show towards the new fish. At the same time that agression may really stress all 3 tangs out and Ich will show its ugly head.

Re: Finally - Pics of my FREE 100 gal. Tank

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:10 am
by Amphiprion
AuroraDrvr wrote:
JRA95SHO wrote:Thanks. I'll pick up some Nori. Andy has some at his house he said I could stop by and get. How do I feed it to him? I read stuff about veggie clips, but i'm not familiar with them.
Go to Wal-Mart and go to the small asian section on the food side. They have a nice package of Sushi for like $3-5. Looks identical to the one below. It is toasted vs. dried, but I have never had any issues with it, and I have not noticed any nutritional deficiencies.

The main thing with toasted varieties would be that they would break down even more quickly, since the cellulose would have been degraded by the heat. IME, they simply fell apart more quickly if the fish didn't dive on it soon enough. Nutritionally speaking, it's hard to say, though it likely would be inferior, as many things are affected by heat, including vitamins, proteins, etc. As to whether or not it could cause a nutritional deficiency, I doubt that, especially with a varied diet (hopefully with other types of plants of marine origin).

Re: Finally - Pics of my FREE 100 gal. Tank

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:11 am
But to treat the whole tank that means trying to catch about 8 fish out of the main tank and cram them all in that small 10 gal qt tank, which isn't feasible or good for them. That would then mean at least a 30 gal qt tank, and still, putting 8 fish in there together to treat them seems kind of risky. Then, I'd have to leave the main tank as-is, turn up the heater to above 80 and let the ich die out; then put the fish back in. They say leave the main tank without fish for 6-8 weeks.

Is there any better way to go about this? I understand the need to not put more fish in the main tank until all ich spots are no longer present on any fish. That's why if I wound up getting a couple more, I'd put them in qt first until the ich spots dissapeared in the main tank.

When we moved the tank and had the fish in plastic tubs/containers, it was difficult enough trying to catch all of them and txfr them. What do most people do that have a reef tank setup (a large one) with a lot of fish, then have an ich outbreak? Tearing the display down to remove the fish just seems extreme.

Re: Finally - Pics of my FREE 100 gal. Tank

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:20 am
by Amphiprion
JRA95SHO wrote:But to treat the whole tank that means trying to catch about 8 fish out of the main tank and cram them all in that small 10 gal qt tank, which isn't feasible or good for them. That would then mean at least a 30 gal qt tank, and still, putting 8 fish in there together to treat them seems kind of risky. Then, I'd have to leave the main tank as-is, turn up the heater to above 80 and let the ich die out; then put the fish back in. They say leave the main tank without fish for 6-8 weeks.

Is there any better way to go about this? I understand the need to not put more fish in the main tank until all ich spots are no longer present on any fish. That's why if I wound up getting a couple more, I'd put them in qt first until the ich spots dissapeared in the main tank.

When we moved the tank and had the fish in plastic tubs/containers, it was difficult enough trying to catch all of them and txfr them. What do most people do that have a reef tank setup (a large one) with a lot of fish, then have an ich outbreak? Tearing the display down to remove the fish just seems extreme.
If you are unable and/or unwilling to set up a series of (or large) quarantine, that doesn't really leave any other effective options. As I said in an earlier post, you can sort of "live" with it (even though the fish will be the ones doing so), bolstering the fish as much as possible, which is jt3069's preferred approach. Not ideal IMHO, but feasible, as many people do it. However, if fish are chronically stressed and weakened, that will be far more difficult to pull off. I also highly suggest against adding anything resembling medication to the main system. While many may not immediately effect invertebrates, no one really knows the more subtle effects (fertility, life span, larval survival rates, etc.). That's about the only option you are left with without quarantine and there will be no guarantees against ich in the future.

Re: Finally - Pics of my FREE 100 gal. Tank

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:09 pm
by Fishfood
I guess my point was it may be better for any new tangs to just be added to the tank if you aren't going to treat the entire thing for Ich. They will end up getting it regardless of qting them or not. Its just a matter of how they deal with it once in the tank. Sometimes its more difficult to keep a little 30gal qt tank stable running on a sub par filter system with no live rock. With 2 tangs in a tank like that you are looking at possibly daily water changes to keep the water in check. Then what if the two tangs don't get along. Without much of anything to hide in one might pick on the other till it kills it. Thats also why I suggest adding both at once since Yellows can be nasty to other tangs. Its not always the case but they can be and in smaller tanks things can get worse.

To be honest none of my fish have been in qt. They have all shown signs of Ich but they aren't too stressed as I don't have many fish. I recently lost one that I have no idea what happened to. He actually never had any visible signs of ich but since it was in my tank I'm sure he had it. Fish live through ich, but there are certain fish that have more of a problem with it than others, and tangs happen to be one of them.

You just have to take that into consideration and know tangs also get more stressed than other fish seem to. Adding 2 tangs, a few chromis and others to a 100 gal tank that currently has 8 fish one being a tang may just be to stressful for the tangs to deal with ich, and then again it may not. I don't want to say it can't be done because I've seen it, but I question how many people actually succesfully can keep a tank like that going for a good period of time.