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Need Snails

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:57 pm
by crsswift70
Over the last 6 years all of my algae eating snails have died off. The last turbo kicked the bucket a few weeks ago. Anyone have some snails or hermits they want to get rid of or anyone planning a group buy?

Re: Need Snails

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:37 pm
by Fishfood
I may be ordering some thing shortly. The only issue is it would be with my wifes work, and the last time I did that it was kind of difficult, although with it going through them I was able to get a bulk order. I'd possibly go through or even I'll let you know if you can wait about 2 weeks.


Re: Need Snails

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 10:02 pm
by crsswift70
I'll try to hold out :) I have sort of neglected my tank and am getting it back in shape. The corals are all fine but since the snails died off, algae has been moving in. Water changes and rock cleaning may keep it in check that long. Thanks.

Re: Need Snails

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 10:56 pm
by Fishfood
blue zoo aquatic might be another option. What kind of snails are you looking a getting? I only get the banded trochus anymore. They seem to be the longest lasting snails in my tanks and had them reproduced years ago. Not many people carry them locally and the florida outfits don't seem to carry them.

Re: Need Snails

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:06 pm
by crsswift70
Well, i only have a 75 and a fuge. At one time i had 4 turbos and a mess of cerith and nerites. The cerith and nerites did very little except die off within the year. The turbos did the best anyway and lasted a long time. I think the trochus are very similar? If i can get the tank back in to the shape i used to have it, i don't think i could sustain more than 4-5 snails. That's why i was hoping to find someone that had extras in need of a new home :D They'd have something to eat now, but i would hate to starve a bunch of them.

Re: Need Snails

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:44 pm
by jdmorgan20fan
I got an order from about 3 weeks ago and got way too many. I got cerith snail. narcissus snails and blue leg hermit crabs that i can let go and still be fine with. How many do you need and which ones would you like?

Re: Need Snails

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:05 am
by Fishfood
jdmorgan20fan wrote:I got an order from about 3 weeks ago and got way too many. I got cerith snail. narcissus snails and blue leg hermit crabs that i can let go and still be fine with. How many do you need and which ones would you like?

This may be your best bet if you don't need any turbos, which you can get locally. I don't know if my wife will be ready to order anything soon since they just replaced 6 T5s for the tank. They have a monthly budget and the bulbs were a good chunck of money..

I'd be interested in some cerith and nassarius snails. I have a post with zoas for sale and would trade some of them if you were interested in that. I can't really justify a full invert order at the moment either. Let me know.

Re: Need Snails

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 7:47 pm
by crsswift70
You may be right about buying some locally. jdmorgan, i appreciate the offer, but i had no luck with ceriths and nerites. I probably got the same pack as you from reefs2go. They did very little in my tank and pretty much just died out over a years time. At the same time, the turbos lived for years and years. I even have two of three nassarius snails poking around. It's just that all of the algae eaters are gone :( Does anyone local carry the trochus snails? I think what did all my turbos in was the fact they couldn't right themselves.

Re: Need Snails

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:26 pm
by Fishfood
I haven't seen anyone in mobile that has trochus. I always get mine on line. Of the last reefs2go order I got those are the only things alive in my tank, well I guess i got 6 scarlet hermits that are also alive.

Re: Need Snails

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 10:20 pm
by Amphiprion
Well, nobody has them on purpose. You can get lucky every once and a while and find a handful. I get them whenever I see them. That's also how I managed to find my little Euplica snail, which loves to eat algae off seagrass.

Re: Need Snails

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 10:29 pm
by crsswift70
On purpose? You mean because they last forever and they won't make another snail sale? :)

Re: Need Snails

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 10:58 pm
by Amphiprion
That's possible :lol:. Most are actually incidental inclusions on various things--some might even get thrown in with a bunch of corals, etc. (or someone may donate/trade them in). Actually, they aren't that popular as a whole, nor are they offered particularly often on wholesaler lists. Why this is, I can't tell you, but I think accessibility has a lot to do with it. It is far easier to find and transport the Caribbean-based snails than the Indo-Pacific ones, so Trochus get left out more often. They are also usually a bit more expensive, which automatically makes them less popular, especially considering that most people are used to their snails dying. In actuality, they usually end up starving, because there isn't enough film algae. Or, in the case of Astrea and Turbo snails, people have the habitat all wrong. The former is found in areas of continuous rock rubble (i.e. no exposure to sand and no chance to fall on their back), while Turbos are found in waters that are much cooler on average. Trochus, on the other hand, are found in areas similar to most tanks, so it works out pretty well.

Re: Need Snails

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:24 pm
by Fishfood
I had my red banded trochus breed in my old 135. Currently 5 or 6 are taking care of my 65 just fine. You wouldn't know they are in the tank either because they only come out at night.

Re: Need Snails

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 8:49 am
by Fishfood
Does anyone have any of the super tiny cerith snails? I'm talking about the ones that are 1/4 inch or smaller and black. I use to have tons of them in my old setup. I think most came from some of the sand I seeding my tank with from Aquaria. I had a few hundred that were about the size of a pin head up to maybe 1/4 inch but most were on the smaller side.

Re: Need Snails

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 2:28 am
by lowrider
hey man long time did u find any snail local ? i am looking for a few Margarita Snail for the 29 gal my 65 sprung a leak so im back to old faithful but its full of algae