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What could it be?

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 8:38 pm
by dun2run
Got some live rock today an found something I am not sure if I should put it in the tank or not. Its on a really small piece about the size of a playing card so it wont hurt if I have to do away with it. It looks like a cluster of dark green bubbles almost. I looked up bubble algae and it kinda resembles that . But, I put it in a small container of tank water and after awhile I noticed the bubbles were opened up. When I touched them with a toothpick they would close up like they were alive. What is this stuff? Good or bad. Sorry I couldnt get a good photo because of the size.

Re: What could it be?

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 3:44 pm
by dun2run
Sorry I never got a photo up. I found out later its a cluster of zoanthids. Still being new in the game I never know what I'm looking at.