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Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2003 8:22 pm
by lzb3
:D :shock: :D :shock: :D :shock: :D :shock:

I have this thing for tangs....any tangs really, but especially blue ones :roll: . Anyway, I have done the powder blue thing and ended up with a beautiful tyrant that I loved dearly. This time I had my heart set on a carribean blue (atlantic blue). Money has been really tight lately, so I have just been waiting to find one around here since shipping for mail order makes it so cost prohibitive. Anyway, hubby and I took the kids to B & B last weekend so the kids could pet the rabbits. While I was there, I noticed they had 2 atlantic blues. Both small but already blue with a little bit of yellow still on the tail. One of them looked really bad :( but the other was fairing well, so I bought him!

After acclimation, I turned off the tank lights and let him loose. When the lights came back on, the domino damsel started to chase him...showing little mercy. Well, the little fish was close to death but I couldn't manage to catch him or the damsel. :roll: I even told Charlie to go out and get a small brim hook and some fishing line. I was gonna catch the damsels the old fashioned way :wink: . I was determined, but I never had a chance to bait up the old hook cause the kids were always around and when they weren't the lights in the tak were off....

Anyway, tomorrow is a week I haven't seen the beautiful little tang. I knew he was dead and had been converted to crab food. But tonight there was a little movement under the rocks and and when we got down closer to take a better look, he poked his little head out as if saying "Hi mom, I am still here and feeling better, but I think I shouldn't come out yet!"

Everytime I go near that spot he sticks his head out to see me. It is the greatest makes me smile. His fins are a little ragged looking, but he looks better. :D :o

I feel like singing!



Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2003 9:02 am
by snoopdog
Why was he battered at the store, did he also have ick ? I am glad he is still kicking Liz, keep us updated please.

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2003 10:30 am
by snoopdog
Beautiful tang Liz... one of my favorites but I seem to say that about just about everything. We had a juvenile that was about 2 inches long... loved it but it just didn't like our tank :(

Man I wish he would stay off my computer _ AMY

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2003 9:18 pm
by ShagMan
Very good to hear Liz!!!

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 8:22 am
by lzb3
Sorry about that....the one we got was fine at the store....we didn't buy the one that looked bad. Ours didn't look bad until the damsel decided to try and kill him.....ripped most of his fins all the way down to his body, but they are growing back. We put food down in the hole every day so that he will eat and stay healthy.

He looks better every day and even came out last night after the lights went out to swim around a bit. He is so cute.... :D
