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Want to trade a four stripe damsel

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 7:45 pm
by harriw2
I have a very nice four stripe damsel I would like to trade for a cleaner shrimp. If you don't have a cleaner shrimp and are interested in the fish, just let me know what you want to trade. Anything will be considered. Click links below to see actual fish in my tank. How do you post pics in the post?,EP5Qr#1,EP5Qr

Re: Want to trade a four stripe damsel

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:26 pm
by harriw2
OK, so asking for a cleaner shrimp was too much. How about anything? I will trade for another small fish, tiny frag, hand full of sand maybe even a bristle worm. Any takers?