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125 Gal. still thinking.....

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 7:30 pm
by sb1227
Ok, for anyone with opinions.... :lol: :lol:

Any opions on eurobracing, positive or negative?

For anyone who doesn't know this will be an upgrade tank, containing 99%SPS corals. I'm going to need tons of turbulent flow in this tank....what do you think about a hole drilled for a closed loop, maybe to a sea swirl? Any recommendations for a pump for this? I have one overflow in my 75, a 3/4 return using a mag9 pump. I'm having to rely on 3 SEIO pumps for circulation. I think it would be time to go to an external pump that could be tee'd for both returns. And as for sizing, would 1 1/2" drains and 1" returns be enough? Any external pumps you guys recommend?

I'm great with the mechanics of tanks, just suck with the numbers. :roll:
I have alot of trouble with drain versus return, and when I get into 2 drains I'm screwed. So I'm looking for any ideas or suggestions. Would really like to get this one right from the start.

Thanks, Sue

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 9:16 pm
by Scott
If it were mine I would have only a small return pump (less than 1000 gph) and have a Sequence or Ampmaster on a closed loop returning to a couple of 1" Sea Swirls.

For example:
125 gallon tank
return from sump 1000 gph
Sequence Dart ~3200 gph

So the tank turnover would be around 4200 gph or over 30 times turnover. There are bigger Sequence pumps too. For the closed loop have at least two 1.5 inch bulkheads for the intake, three would be better or two 2" would be even better.

You could use the Tunze but they are kind of big and are pretty expensive and I don't have any experience with them.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 9:32 pm
by Fishfood
I will second the Sequence. I really like mine and it does a great job.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 10:48 pm
by LoneStar
In my opinion, the return should basically be based on the return pump. I personally like more flow from my sump to the tank than most. The above mentioned pumps are excellant and fairly quiet. I currently have 1 ampmaster 3k and 1 sequence 5800 on my tank. The ampmaster is a closed loop and the sequence feeds the return, skimmer, and fluidized bed canister (rowaphos). The sequence pumps seem to be built better but both are good pumps.
If I were starting over again with a 125 gal, I would have a sequence 5800 as a closed loop running through a "oceans motions" 8 way wave maker. I would situate it to where the bulk of the current was high in the tank. I would have 3 each 1.5" drains (drilled). I'd run another sequence pump for the return and to a manifold that feeds the skimmer, phosphate reactors, calcium reactor, UV sterilizer and any other device you may add. You can always choke down the pump if it is too much.
As far as the eurobracing goes, I think it is good because more light will be allowed to penetrate the tank withought going through glass.

Good Luck with your decision,

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 8:27 am
by Scott
LoneStar wrote: As far as the eurobracing goes, I think it is good because more light will be allowed to penetrate the tank withought going through glass.
I will never have another tank without eurobracing. My current tankwas used and has normal bracing and it is a pain. Next time I will pay the extra. If you are not using metal halides though the eurobracing is not as necessary. Some people call it combing in case you order it and they don't know what euro is.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 9:26 am
by ShagMan
I don't think I'd ever want eurobracing on a glass tank, because that makes it very tough to scrape with a razor, and would make plumbing harder in a lot of cases if you're doing overhead returns.

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 4:18 pm
by sb1227
I will never have another tank without eurobracing. My current tankwas used and has normal bracing and it is a pain.
I can't stand the plastic bracing most companies use. That's why I like the Oceanic, because at least it's made of glass and that area is useable. I've placed quite a few bleached corals under that glass and it did wonders. I was hoping that O.V. would use glass if I couldn't get the eurobracing, but they don't. I just hope it isnt incredibly expensive to get.

I've definately decided it's gonna take longer to set up this tank than I thought, I guess I'll just get one or two things for it a month (depending on funds) and hopefully next fall will be a little closer. I like the idea of two or three holes for closed loop 1x1/2" with the sequence pump, not sure just yet what size or what to run it thru. I priced the sea swirls and they're awfully expensive, it would almost be better to save a bit more and get 2 Tunze streams and a munticontroller. They get the vote hands down on RC for flow. I You guys seem to like the sequence over the ampmasters, so I may use one for the return too. I do wonder if I'm going to have enough room for all this stuff in the stand.

The oceans motions stuff is very cool, and if I had the plumbing in another room I would seriously consider it. But everything is going to be right in the living room, and lots of piping and noise isn't gonna cut it.

I appreciate your opinions, feel free to offer anything else, Sue

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 10:29 pm
by Beaver
You can't hear my oceans motions super squirt.


Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 7:35 am
by ShagMan
If it wasn't for the $200 it cost to get an Oceans Motions, I'd have one right now on my 240G heh.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 8:54 am
by Fishfood
I had a Tunze and I didn't like it. If i were going to set something up I'd go closed loop. I sold my Tunze because it was so bulky. In a bigger tank I guess it wouldnt be too much of a problem but I had mine in my old 55 before the hurricane. It was a huge eye sore to me. It did provide great flow but just the look of it in there turned me off.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 5:56 pm
by Mike
If your looking to go cheaper you could always get two Seio 1500's and a mag 9.5 for return. I would also look into a mangrove system fuge that way you could get by with a smaller skimmer and if really lucky no skimmer.

By upgradeable what do you mean? Like upgradeable as in softies to SPS or cheap equipment to expensive then latter using the cheap equimpment for another tank?

I would love a sequence dart and ocean motion but I would rather spend it on lighting or livestock. That and power consumption is something to consider as well.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 8:14 pm
by Redfish
I second or third Scotts return, sump and closed loop suggestions.

I have Tunze Streams and love them, but they are way to big for a 125.

I would never had another fish tank if I had to have cross bracing. Eurobracing all the way.


Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 8:36 pm
by sb1227
Well Phil, I'm actually rethinking the 125. The 100 gal. that you had is more what I'm going with now, 48x24x20. It would be much better as I can use my existing light fixture. More than likely I'll still use Seios at least at first, I'm up to 3 on my 75 gallon and about to give up the 620 for a 1500, (that'll be an 820, an 1100 and a 1500) I am going to go with a closed loop, I've learned with this tank the more flow areas the better. :)

The only thing that brought up a question was looking at your tank I really liked the fact that it didnt have the overflow boxes, I've always liked the idea of the overflow box, but I have a helluva time with flow issues in the area of the box. It really makes for alot of unuseable space.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 8:45 pm
by sb1227
By upgradeable what do you mean? Like upgradeable as in softies to SPS or cheap equipment to expensive then latter using the cheap equimpment for another tank?
It's an upgrade, I plan on moving my existing 75Gal SPS into it. If I can ever come up with the setup I want, that will work in my house. Fortunately I have lots of time... :lol: My tank is pretty nice as it is, just want more space....more flow.....the usual stuff. :lol:

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 2:07 pm
by Redfish
Not having the overflow boxes is nice in terms of useable space, but bad in terms of delivering the best water to a skimmer. I used 3, 1" overflow pipes in the 100 and made sure they were taking surface water. It seemed to work alright.